Dare to Dream - Being at one in the world, at one with the world.
Dare to Dream.
I dream boldly…through the experience of visualizing myself as a winner.
Each individual through their expanded and heightened awareness has the capacity to broaden, deepen and expand upon their awareness and thus, experience greater prosperity, nurturing, satisfaction, abundance, pleasure, and success; on every platform of the experience they name life. I imagine life as other than a time span, and see it as an experience.
In doing so, I witness that I call to myself all that I dream, through that which I consider, and therefore choose to imagine, believe, ponder, dwell upon. This is the Art of Dreaming. In this way there are no victims, I create what I think, feel, and believe. With an altered perspective of one's connection to and in co-creation with God, I step into the Light of Who I Really Am.
With a perspective on failure viewed this way, my understanding shifts to one which highlights where life is less than satisfying, where there is opportunity to refocus and redefine my dream, thereby opening me to the dreaming of fresh, more expanded options. I am only a victim or co-creator through the making of my choices, through the perspective of my beliefs. Viewed in this way, failure is a gift, an indicator and an opportunity to dream anew, and one where life is accepted as one's own responsibility.
In regards to friendship for example, in choosing what it is I most desire through each of them, I create by dreaming into being what it is I most desire. In choosing to continually, focus upon what it is that I find most undesirable, I open myself to creating anew, by dreaming into being, that which is undesirable. The power of awareness of my perspective of thought and belief is therefore, the catalyst for my every experience.
As one dreams anew, the old falls away, often quickly and simply. Behaviours, experiences, interests, professional and personal relationships may each fall away like dominos, bringing an experience of great change. While this may initially appear as daunting and cause one to consider personal fault or failure, reconsider one choices, through the intention of engagement of faith one is reminded that without change one shall continue to receive and experience the same that always one always has.
Dreaming the new and experiencing the more satisfying results, serves to magnify joy and gratitude and a deeper experience of peace and passion are one's experience. Experiencing such new and satisfying results further elevates one's personal energy, creating healing and distance from the old and welcoming the new. We continue to be the same person yet somehow our lives have greatly changed.
Life becomes simpler, lighter, more satisfying, and greater success through new opportunities arrive, bringing us a deeper sense of safety. One's experience rises beyond being alone in the world and moves on into being at one in the world, at one with the world.
One's experience in every aspect of one's life becomes more liberated and a new way of being in the world, is birthed. The new way empowers what was always available yet somehow obscured or repressed, like the caged bird who doesn't see the door is open. Our very spirit, one's personal connection to the collective, and our ability to affect positive change for all, comes more sharply into focus and opportunities to participate in the progressive evolution of humanity, present themselves. In this way, at this juncture or crossroads, our pro-active power of choice is to dream boldly and clearly upon that which we desire.
Faith is activated and enhanced, ease and grace arrive and each in turn ripple through the various arenas of one's experience of life.
These changes, cataclysmic for some as they occur across multiple arenas of one's life, are not happening to us, but have been initiated by us. The Art of Dreaming is what catapults one into the experience of greatest results.
We are powerful creators in co-creation with the Divine Energy of God when we embrace and engage in His Will with our own will in the knowledge, practice and experience of unconditional love.
The greater number of the world population who embrace this conscious co-creative art of dreaming, regardless of whether we actually know or commune with each other in physicality, the greater possible success for evolution of the expansion of humanity's consciousness. As we expand, heighten and dream with faith and positivity in our daily lives, the greater our opportunity for success. This is conscious creation.
Through one's connection with the Divine, in co-creation, via the calling of and connection to our own hearts, we are able to feel inspired to release anything that may appear to be an experience of restriction to us. Continuing infinitely to dream boldly with faith and positivity, continues to open us to add to and expand upon one's ability to dream a grander dream for the self and the collective known as Humanity.
Imagine creating new vistas of your life. In this way one acknowledges that life is an experience that may be just as large or small, satisfying or unsatisfying, timid or bold, colourful or insipid, rich or poor, as one dares to imagine -Susie Cochrane
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